
Who are you? Where do you come from?


Who are your people? Who are you connected to?


Why are you here? Where are you headed?


Welcome to Creative Purpose where we have a passion to see people restored in their original design, functioning within the purpose they were created for.

What is Creative Purpose?

Whether you have landed here through a specific search, have been referred here,
or have simply surfed in, feel free to navigate through the site’s various pages.
Discover the different ways in which I can be of service to you - professionally
as educational psychologist in private practice, or as ordained pastor in fulltime
marketplace ministry. For more info on me, Hein Vorster, go to About Hein.

Please call or make an appointment to meet with me soon.

More information

Hein Vorster
Hein Vorster
Who is Hein? Read more here about him, his background and beliefs.
Who are you really? Are you the person you're supposed to be? Read more here about your identity.
Why are you here? Is there a reason you exist? Discover your purpose.
Where do you belong? Do you have healthy relationships?
What Hein believes in and his statement of faith.
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
Assessments, learning problems, subject choices, career guidance and more. Read here.
Marriage is the unity that shows the world something of the character of God. Read more here.
Throughout all the ages, parenting challenges have been considered daunting. Find out more here.
Organisational & other
Organisational & other
Career choices, team building, grief, anxiety, midlife crises, etc. Find out more here.

Vision, Mission & Values

My Vision

To see people functioning in the freedom of having discovered the
purpose that they have been created for.

My Mission

To equip and empower people through Christ-centered approaches to find
their true identity in body, soul and spirit, to establish the most
effective ways in which to relate to the Triune God and to one another,
and to find the abundance of Love, Joy, Peace and Prosperity.

My Core Values

  • Boldness of Conviction
  • Humble Dependence on His Guidance
  • Integrity
  • Sincerity
  • Consistency

Make an appointment

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    Your Message

    Soli Deo Gloria in Excelsis