
Even as a child growing up in a Christian home, it was always my desire to serve the Lord God our Creator in ministering His Word and His Truth to His Children.

Apart from having qualified and registered as a psychologist (educational), I have also been ordained as pastor at Powerhouse Ministries International, where they acknowledge the work I do in my private practice as a full-time ministry in the marketplace.

I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, acknowledged as the only God. As Triune Being (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) He created people also as triune beings (body, soul and spirit) with a specific identity and creative purpose to function in healthy relationships with God, fellow man and also within themselves.

There is a spiritual enemy who wants to rob people of their joy and peace by destroying their relationships. This is achieved by deceiving a person about their identity through lies from the moment of conception and which are strengthened through personal perceptions of certain life events.

grand haven stormI believe also in the undeniable value of the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, not only as symbols for confirmation of the Christian Faith, but that they indeed carry the power of spiritual significance in themselves.

The communion is a celebration of Christ’s death in the breaking of His Body for our physical healing and the spilling of His Blood as the full price paid for our redemption. The symbols of bread as crushed wheat, the wine as crushed grapes, and the oil as crushed olives, each having representative significance.

The taking part in the baptism in water is a symbolic confirmation of our old nature dying with Christ and the resurrection of our redeemed selves in the righteousness of Christ, claiming our inheritance of the Kingdom of God.

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