
The union of a loving husband and wife form the solid foundation of a healthy society within which the establishment of family ties and the safety of a home environment provide the fertile ground for the birth, growth and establishment of individuals.

It is this unity that also demonstrates to the world something of the character of our triune God being in perfect relationship with Himself.

As a marriage officer I am available to conduct the ceremony in which prospective spouses enter into covenant with one another. This is normally preceded by pre-marital counselling in which the couple is encouraged to explore motives and challenges experienced, and to iron out their differences beforehand.

Marriage Counselling is based on the firm Biblical principles for the roles of husbands and wives within the marriage. Husbands are encouraged to take up their responsibilities as lovers and leaders providing the protection to their wives and families (i.e. to love their wife as Jesus loves the church), and likewise women are encouraged to embrace their crucially important role as supporters and helpers of their spouses.

stormy 571x309An unfortunate reality of our time is the ever-increasing number of divorce. For those hurting people, both the adult survivors of divorce as well as the children as victims, I am available to offer guidance through the processes of grief necessitated by loss.

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