
In my professional walk it has been my general experience that people by default do not know who they really are or who they are supposed to be. It is a sad reality that people generally are all just marking time by filling their days with activities to simply sustain their everyday existence, but with no goals or set direction.

It is my firm belief that each of us has a unique set of talents and abilities (knowledge, skills, attributes) in order to fulfill a calling and a preordained destiny.

At Creative Purpose it is my passion to assist you in discovering that unique identity in order to arrive at and understand your purpose.

autumn-2941Often people experience the misfortune of extreme traumatic events (whether accidental or intentional) rendering them powerless and resulting in them having no other option than to dissociate from their identity, splitting into other (even multiple) personalities.  So many misconceptions exist about this greatly misunderstood condition which is a reality for so many people. It ranges from an escape into fantasy all the way to demonically initiated and controlled programming. Although very complex, healing is not only possible, but also God-ordained. At Creative Purpose, a Christ-centred therapeutic approach is followed in pursuit of reclaiming the freedom of your restored identity.

A growing phenomenon in today’s world is the increasing confusion regarding gender. We are born in the gender that our Creator-God intended us to be, but far too often this becomes muddled as gender boundaries become a grey area and people become confused about who they are supposed to be and alienated from their original design.  At Creative Purpose we embark on the adventurous journey in pursuit of clarity on this hazy subject.

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